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Oracle NetSuite Connector API

This is a simple example of a Node.js connector API to interact with Oracle NetSuite using the netsuite-rest-client library.


  1. Initialize Node.js Project:

    mkdir netsuite-connector
    cd netsuite-connector
    npm init -y
    npm install netsuite-rest-client

const NetsuiteRestClient = require('netsuite-rest-client');

Create Connector File:

const NetsuiteRestClient = require('netsuite-rest-client');

const netsuiteConfig = {
accountId: 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID',
tokenId: 'YOUR_TOKEN_ID',
tokenSecret: 'YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET',
baseUrl: '', // Replace with your NetSuite account ID

const netsuiteClient = new NetsuiteRestClient(netsuiteConfig);

// Example function to get a list of customers
async function getCustomers() {
try {
const customers = await netsuiteClient.list('customers');
return customers;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching customers:', error);
throw error;

module.exports = { getCustomers };

##Further Enhancements:

Handle authentication securely (consider using environment variables). Implement error handling and additional functions as needed. Structure code for better organization and scalability.